When Living Is A Protest: Goggin_edit-7

"Deeply Torn" | Legacy Series
It was a balmy evening; the brisk wind reminded me that it was still winter but the night felt comfortable. Damion Portis senior looked at me and nodded in the customary way; nose pushing upwards before dipping down. I walked over to ask him about Michael Brown and Eric Garner. "In the case of Michael Brown and the officer, they were both wrong.
In my life I have dealt with a lot of white cops. The thing that help me is understanding that I was born in a world that is not fair. My elders raised me to play chess and not checkers. You have to navigate the path that is given to you, You have to finesse the relationship you foster with the police.
As a young black man I have to perfect that for my own survival -- it's essential."
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